Shinsei Bank’s “Black” ATM card. You can choose your favorite color, I chose Black

shinsei bank black atm card

Customize your ATM Card. Shinsei Bank lets you choose from 32 colors

I’ve been using the same ATM card every since I opened an account at Shinsei Bank and it was getting worn out.
So the other day, I called them up and asked if they would replace it with a new one.

It turned out that because I was using the older version of the card, they would replace it once for free.


Shinsei Bank lets you choose from 32 colors when you make your ATM card.

新生銀行 新旧ATMカード

I chose Midnight.
Looks damn cool for an ATM card if you ask me!


No-fee cash withdrawals at convenience store ATMs, 24 hours, 7 days a week

As I was looking at Shinsei Bank’s website to choose the color of my card, I noticed that they were offering no-fee cash withdrawals at more locations compared to the past.
As I remember it, no-fee withdrawals were available only at 7-11, major banks and the post office.

Now, it’s basically no-fee at all major convenience stores.


You can use Shinsei Bank’s ATM card with ATMs in foreign countries too and now that you can withdraw cash pretty much anywhere in Japan without a fee, I personally think it’s the most convenient bank accounts, period!



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