Is Silicone Spray bad for the bike chain?


The front wheel started to squeak a little on my new Hooligan the other day.

So I sprayed KURE Silicone Spray around the hub and that took care of the sound and the wheel also spun much better after that.

Delighted with the results, I decided to spray a little here and there around the chain, gears, rear hub and cranks.

The Silicone Spray always gets the job done.

Or does it?



You shouldn’t be doing this!

The reason is that the silicone spray melts and washes out the grease and oil that’s applied to the hub and chain.
Same goes for the 5-56.

Then what should I have done?

I should have applied grease to the hubs and cranks and chain oil to the chain.

Oh no, what have I done to my new bike!!

I immediately got some KURE Super Chain Lube and some Grease Mate and applied it to where I had used the Silicone Spray.


Amazon Prime really helps at times like this because they deliver the next day.
The package came in the AM so I was able to ride the bike in the afternoon.

The chain is fine now cause I can get the chain lube on easily.
But I have a feeling that the grease spray is eventually going to wash out the grease in the hubs and cranks.
The next time I go to the bike shop for something, I’ll have to ask them to grease it up.

Phew! Call that a close one, I almost messed up my new bike!


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