Quad Lock Smartphone Mount for your Bike – Got it for the iPhone 7

quad lock iphone 7 review
I got a new Quad Lock for my new iPhone 7

I am loving the Quad Lock as a smartphone mount for my bike

I like how you can attach/detach the phone with one motion.
But what I like most about the Quad Lock is how simple it looks when you’re not attaching your phone to the bike.
I recently changed my iPhone from the SE to 7 so I got a new Quad Lock case for the iPhone 7.
Today’s post is going to be all about that!


What’s so great about the Quad Lock?

Check out the following posts for past reviews on the Quad Lock:

Quad Lock – the best smartphone mount for your bike!


Quad Lock (Smartphone Mount) – Follow Up Review

I already have the Bike Mount so all I needed was the case, but I mistakenly got the Bike Kit…
If I was going to make a mistake, I should have gotten the Run Kit instead, but oh well!
Never hurts to have a backup mount! 
Also the Bike Kit comes with a Poncho!
quad lock iphone 7 bike kit
The Quad Lock Bike Kit for the iPhone 7 comes with the following items:

  • Quad Lock Case (iPhone 7)
  • Quad Lock Poncho (iPhone 7)
  • Quad Lock Bike Mount

The iPhone 7 is water resistant so you may not need the Poncho.
If you already have a Bike Mount, all you need is a case for your phone.


Quad Lock Bike Kit iPhone 7 – Review

quadlock in the box

As mentioned above, the Bike Kit comes with the following items:

  • Quad Lock Case (iPhone 7)
  • Quad Lock Poncho (iPhone 7)
  • Quad Lock Bike Mount

クアッドロック バイクキット 箱

クアッドロック バイクキット iphone7 付属品


Quad Lock Case iPhone 7

quad lock iphone se 7
Compared with the case for the iPhone SE, there are some noticeable improvements!
quadlock inside iphone 7 se
There is some padding on the inside of the case, which I assume will absorb some shock.
The fit is absolutely perfect.

It’s made out of plastic but it’s high quality, does not feel cheap at all.
It’s not the thinnest case you’ll find, but it isn’t bulky either.
With the case on, I’ve noticed that the phone is easier to handle, less likely that it’ll slip out of my hands when I’m using it.

Because of its bigger size, I was worried that the case for the iPhone 7 wouldn’t fit in my Cannondale Saddle Bag, but it fit!
Just barely!
quad lock iphone 7 saddle bagiphone 7 quad lock saddle bag


Quad Lock Poncho iPhone 7

I didn’t think I would need the Poncho because the iPhone 7 is water resistant.
But the Poncho is actually pretty amazing!
The fit is wonderful.
quad lock iphone 7 poncho front sidequad lock iphone 7 poncho rear
Perfect tight fit. Just sucks on to the iPhone.
Can you see how the plastic around the camera is super transparent?

I can tell a lot of consideration went into the design of the Poncho so that you can still get good shots with the Poncho on.
Even the finger print sensor works with the Poncho on!
quad lock poncho finger print recognition
I don’t ride my bike when it’s raining so I won’t be using the Poncho that often, but I can already see myself using it for outdoor activities and when I go snowboarding.


Quad Lock Bike Mount

The Bike Mount is the same as the one I had before.
quad lock bike mountquad lock bike mount front view
I really like how it keeps the handle bar from getting cluttered.


Attaching the Quad Lock to my bike!

This is the Helmz H10 with the Quad Lock attached.
quadlock on helmz h10
quad lock helmz h10
The bigger screen on the iPhone 7 makes it much easier to navigate.
quad lock iphone 7 navigation
With the Quad Lock, you can tilt the iPhone like so and use it as a drive recorder or an emergency light.
quad lock drive recorder
quad lock light
It has saved me multiple times when the batteries on my front light ran out.
quad lock light front


Where can I get it cheap?

You can get the Quad Lock on Rakuten

On Rakuten, the case and mount are selling for 4,040 Yen each so its going to be 8,080 to get both.
It looks like they don’t have the case for the iPhone 7 yet so if you want that, you should purchase it directly from the Quad Lock website (this is what I did).
I note it below but it’s a little cheaper that way.


How to get it cheaper

Or you can get it directly from Quad Lock.

It’s 6,800 Yen when you buy it directly from Quad Lock so it’s a little cheaper.

You can use the discount code QL-FRIEND-3154 when you check out and get an additional 10% discount so you can get it about 2,000 Yen cheaper than Rakuten.
Shipping to Japan is free if the order is more than 1,200 Yen.

This is how I got my Quad Lock by the way.
They ship from Australia and it took a little more than a week for it to arrive.
If you want it quickly, you should order from Rakuten.
quad lock helmz h10 peak design everyday sling

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