The Best Bike Lock for the Cannondale Hooligan – The ABUS Tresorflex 6615 Combo


When you get a new bike, you’re gonna be needing a bike lock more than anything else.

As I was looking around for a lock to use on my Cannondale Hooligan 2017, I realized how hard it was to find the perfect lock.

I did a fair amount of research and actually bought a few locks myself.
And finally, I think I’ve found the perfect lock for my Cannondale Hooligan 2017.
I’m going to share with you that lock today.

The lock is the ABUS TRESORFLEX6615COMBO 1200mm.


ABUS(アバス) TRESORFLEX6615COMBO 1200mm[その他][パーツ・アクセサリ]
価格:5702円(税込、送料別) (2016/9/20時点)




Important things to consider when choosing a bike lock

When choosing a bike lock, you’re going to have to consider the following two main points:

  • the amount of security level you’re going to need
  • how much usability you’re willing to sacrifice

Finding a good bike lock is really hard because you can’t have both security and usability at the same time.
It has to be a balancing of the two concepts.

To get higher security, the lock is going to be big and heavy. 

Finding the perfect trade off between security and usability is key in finding the perfect lock.



Types of bike locks

There’s three general types of bike locks:

  1. U lock
  2. Chain lock
  3. Cable lock

That’s in the order of security level, and as you go down the list, usability goes up.


U Lock

You’ll get the highest level of security with the U Lock.
However, you’re not going to be able to change the shape of it in anyway so it’s the hardest to work with.

The shape and size of the lock will limit where you can park and lock your bike to an immovable object.

If you’re looking for maximum security the best U Lock out there is the KRYPTONITE U Lock NEW YORK .


【KRYPTONITE】【クリプトナイト】U字ロック NEW YORK 3000 MC【0804180111】
価格:14800円(税込、送料無料) (2016/9/20時点)

This is the lock most trusted by professional bike riders in New York where bike theft is really common.
You can’t cut it with a bolt clipper and its going to take time with the disk grinder too.


Chain lock

With the chain lock, you’ll get the security of an U lock but a little more usability cause you’re going to be able to change the shape of the chain.

The down side is that the lock is going to be really heavy.
If you’re getting something long enough to be able to wrap around immovable objects, prepare for some heavy duty stuff.

If you’re going for the chain lock, the KryptoniteのEvolution 4 Integrated Chain 160cm looks really good.

It’s lighter than a normal chain lock but still retains the strength.
The lock is integrated with the chain so its going to be easier to work with.


Cable lock

With the cable lock, you’re not going get anything close to an U lock or a chain lock in terms of security.

You can actually cut through thin ones with a pair of scissors.
Almost all of them can be cut with a bolt clipper.

A tool that all bike thieves have is the bolt cutter so a cable lock will mean nothing if your bike becomes their target.

The flip side of this is that it’s really convenient to use.
You can bend it in any way and it’s super light so you can get them as long as you want.

The weakest but the most convenient lock out there is probably the Crops wire lock.

Its super light and really easy to work with, but you can probably cut it with a nipper.



The perfect bike lock will depend on your situation

By now, you’ve probably realized that there is no one right answer.
You’re going to have to find the best solution based on your own bike life.

If you’re storing your bike indoors and rarely leave your bike unattended when you’re outside, maybe all you need is a cable lock.
On the other hand, if you’re leaving your bike parked outside for a long time then maybe you’ll need a combination of a U lock and some other secondary lock.

Also, you’re will have to consider how much your bike costs in the first place.
If your bike is expensive, the odds of it getting stolen is going to be relatively higher and therefore, you’re going to be needing a tougher lock.



The best bike lock for my Cannondale Hooligan 2017

The Cannondale Hooligan catches eyes and because its new, I determined that the risk of it getting stolen was pretty high.

On the other hand, I store it in doors and I probably won’t park it outside that much.

Considering the above factors, the first lock that I got was the Crops wire lock.

I got it in red, thinking that the color would act as a deterrent.

The usability of the lock is top class among all bike locks.
It’s 180cm long so it’ll give you tons of parking and locking options.

But as I was going through YouTube videos showing how easy it was to cut through cable locks, I got a little worried and decided to get a lock with higher security.

Because I went for ultimate usability and sacrificed security with the Crops, I wanted to get something that was tough but still manageable.

What I got was the Kryptonite Evolution Mini 7 + 120cm Wire.

It’s a combination of a tough U lock and a cable that’s 1cm thick.
That’s pretty high security here in Japan.  

The problem was, the Cannondale Hooligan has a small frame with an unique shape and I couldn’t find a good spot to put the adapter to mount the U Lock to the bike.
Even If I did put the adapter somewhere on the bike, it still wasn’t going to look good.

I thought about not using the adapter and just hanging the lock on the handle bar or something.
But the clasp that connects with the adapter is a piece of metal that’s not covered with any rubber and I could easily see it messing up the paint on the bike.

I needed a bike lock fast but couldn’t find the right one. I thought I had come to a dead end when I found the ABUS TRESORFLEX6615COMBO 1200mm.


ABUS(アバス) TRESORFLEX6615COMBO 1200mm[その他][パーツ・アクセサリ]
価格:5702円(税込、送料別) (2016/9/20時点)



ABUS Tresorflex 6615 Combo

As I child, I grew up using Kryptonites so when I think bike locks, I think Kryptonite.

ABUS is a German company and they are also considered a top played when it comes to locks.

I stumbled upon the TRESORFLEX6615COMBO 1200mm on their website and it was advertised as one of their new products. 

It looks like a regular cable lock at a glance but the cable is covered in metal armor for increased strength.
It’s 15mm think so it’s quite thick for a cable lock.

You can bend it like a cable lock so the usability is really good.

I got the 120cm which will give me tons of options when parking and locking.

The build quality is really good. The dials turn nicely and firmly and the lock connects perfectly.
Honestly, it was so much better than Kryptonite that I was surprised.

The mount adapter seems convenient and I would put it on the seat post of the Hooligan if I were to use it.

For now, I’m not using the adapter and I just wrap the lock around the handle bar.
The lock is covered with rubber so the lock doesn’t rattle when riding.
I probably don’t have to worry about scratches to the bike either.


I prefer combination locks so I got the Tresorflex but if you are a key person, ABUS has the Microflex 6615 KEY 1200mm which is the same product but with a key lock.




This is a really good product and I highly recommend it to someone looking for something like it.

I was so delighted with the product that I have converted myself from being a Kryptonite person to an ABUS person.

If I ever get a bike in the 200,000 yen class, I’ve already decided on the lock that I’m getting. The Steel-O-Flex Ivy 9000 1200mm.

So as for now, the Tresorflex 6615 Combo is the perfect lock for me but I already have my eyes on something different.


The Ottolock.

This looks promising right?
I already backed up the project so once I get it, I’ll be using it together with my Tresorflex.

I’m just worried if I can remember the two combinations to open the locks!


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2 Responses to “The Best Bike Lock for the Cannondale Hooligan – The ABUS Tresorflex 6615 Combo

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    you obviously are unfamiliar with the term “gone in 60 seconds” yet, good luck 😉

    • Indeed I have been fortunate. Considering where I mostly park my bike, which is mainly indoors, I think my current set up strikes the best balance between usability and security.
      Please let me know if you have any recommendations!

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