Quit my job

In June of 2016, just as everyone was getting ready for summer vacation, I quit my job. I had put in close to 10 years at the company.



(Pic: Document that I received, confirming my departure from the company. Comes in handy when applying for non-employment benefits and the like.)




In my case, there’s a lot of headwinds that I have to consider:

  • nearing my 40’s (considered old in the job market in Japan)
  • next job, not determined
  • have substantial fixed costs (mainly expensive rent in Tokyo)

I bet a lot of people around my age have considered leaving their company, once or twice in their career, call it a mid life crisis if you will. 

I can understand the anxiety involved with it too, like understanding what kind of paper work is actually necessary and most of all, how you’re going to survive without a pay check?

Looking back in hindsight, there are actually a few things that I should have done while at my former company (like taking out a loan).
On the other hand, there are things that I would not have realized if I had continued to work (like the evolution of IT services around me!).

I’d like to share these findings with you.

In this website, I aim to share the following from my personal experience:

1. What you should do before quitting your job
2. What I have gained from quitting my job
3. What I lost from quitting my job (you can’t have it all!)
4. How to overcome the reality of no income

Hope it is of help to everyone, thinking about quitting their job.

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