Got rid of my shampoo collection after starting no poo
I wrote in a different post that I’ve been doing no poo for about a month now.
(The post I wrote one month into no poo)
One thing becomes useless once you start no poo and that’s your shampoo.
Shampoo that I was using before no poo
High end stuff with all the good stuff
Most recently, I was using the Soap of Hair series by Of Cosmetics.
Their line up is pretty wide range but since I had soft and thin hair, I used the 1−R and 1−G.
There’s a hair treatment line which compliments the shampoo so I used the 2-R and 2−G.
Both gave your hair strength and volume but the 2−R gave you a refreshing finish and the 2−G gave you a shiny finish.
So what I did was I would use the 1−R shampoo with the 2−G treatment and the 1−G shampoo with the 2−R treatment and get the best of both worlds.
The 1−R and 2−R’s cool and soothing finish is perfect for the summer and the shine and glow of the 1−G and 2−G is wonderful as well.
What I liked about Soap of Hair
I liked it because the ingredients are OK and you could tell that the Company has an ideology in making fine hair products by the design to the bottles and the branding.
They are also sold at LOFT stores so it was convenient to be able to pick some up when you needed to.
What I didn’t like about Soap of Hair
It’s a bit pricey and there are some chemicals used that are said to be unhealthy.
Being pricey, I can understand because its something that comes with the good ingredients, good design and making them accessible throughout the country.
What bothered me were ingredients like artificial fragrance, coloring and paraben that are included regardless of the brands image of being natural.
If you go too natural, you sacrifice the finish and if you go to the other end of the spectrum and care too much about finish, you end up using artificial ingredients.
The art of balancing the two concepts is really hard.
Other shampoos that I used
Jino, the shampoo by the king of amino acids, Ajinomoto
Before going into Soap of Hair, I used Jino alot.
It is a commonly accepted notion that amino acid based shampoos are good for the hair.
And who else knows more about amino acids than the king of amino acids, Ajinomoto, right?
I used Jino for a very long time and I was actually thinking of going back to it once I used up all my Soap of Hair stuff.
That’s how much I like Jino.
I also like that it is priced very reasonably.
The Shampoo
The shampoo that I was using when I started getting into the natural stuff was The Shampoo.
You can clearly tell that the product uses a lot of natural good stuff when you actually use it.
It’s a real pain in the ass to use!
It doesn’t foam well, it smells very rosy and the color is dirt black.
But that just reinforces the natural feeling and I was using this product for a while.
I even had it shipped to the US when I was working there.
But for the reasons below, my passion for The Shampoo faded out rather quickly:
- doesn’t foam up well so you end up using alot
- its expensive so it hurts the wallet
- different stores sold it for different prices and there were rumors that knock offs were in circulation (suspicion that grew towards the brand was the biggest reason I stopped using the product)
The concept of the product was really good so I personally thought it was a pity.
Benefits of getting rid of my shampoo
There were quite a few
- bath room is less cluttered
- no need to stock up so the storage space under the sink gets less cluttered
- no need to take your own shampoo when you go traveling so less stuff to pack
- do somehing different with the time that was spent searching for the best shampoo
- save money that was spent on shampoo and treatment products
No downsides so far! (for now)