I’m all motivated after writing up my Bucket List
Three months have already gone by after I quit my job.
With work related stuff out of my head, it’s basically been a stress-free life these past few months, which is great.
I was able to start blogging, which was something that I always wanted to do and that’s exciting.
The thing is, I’ve always been good at breaking down procedures into routines that’s kind of back firing at me now.
The way I’m spending time now is becoming a routine and I was getting a little worried.
Isn’t there something more important that I should be doing now?
Shouldn’t I have some kind of output by now?
In a desperate effort to get things moving in the right direction, I wrote up “my own bucket list”.
What is a Bucket List?
A bucket list is a list of things you want to do or accomplish before you die.
To best way to understand this concept is to watch the Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson movie “The Bucket List”.
I was thinking “100 is going to be so easy!” but after six hours I could only squeeze out 50.
It’s pretty hard when you actually sit down and start writing.
I’ll add on to this as things come up.
Listing up things that I wanted to do before I die made it clear what I should be focusing on.
It makes it easier to grasp how important it is to live each day with a meaning.
When you’ll feeling down or demotivated, looking back at your bucket list will get you back on your feet again.
This is something I should have done 10 years ago.
Some tips that I picked up:
- write down what ever comes to mind
- don’t worry about money or other constraints
- the only determining factor should be whether it will bring happiness to your life
- start with short term goals, that will make things easier
- be as specific as you can (ex. Go to Italy => Go to Italy and eat pasta)
- you don’t have to go up to 100. You can add on things later as they come up
My Bucket List
This is my bucket list that I wrote up today.
I’ll be updating the accomplishments and adding on new items here.
- Go to Kyoto and eat Kobushi Ramen
- Eat authentic Onomichi Ramen. For refreshments, dring the legendary soda, Margo Cider
- Climb Mount Fuji and bring back the souveneir stick. I already know the stick is going to get in the way after a few months in the house
- Run the Honolulu Marathon. Stay in Hawaii for a week after that with no specific purpose
- Buy a drone and take videos. Can’t fly them in Tokyo so take it across the country on my bicycle
- Take the drone overseas to take videos of ancient ruins and cool stuff like that
- Spend a week just reading books
- Buy a Boosted Board and ride it all over Japan. If they ban it in Japan, take it to the US and ride it there
- Learn martial arts. Main purpose will be self defence so Aikido or Kravmaga. Just for looks, learn a little kick boxing.
- Learn surifing
- Eat sushi in the 30,000 yen league
- Achieve 10% body fat percentage. Currently at 13%
- Lengthen my average sleep time to 6 hours. Current average is 4 hours and 59 minutes (measured with Sleep Cycle)
- Golf score under 100. Currently at 110
- Vlog. I already have the equipment
- Write a song, record and post on YouTube
- Go to all prefectures in Japan. On bike.
- Take mom to the department store and buy her what ever she wants
- Go golfing with dad
- Take the parents and brother to Hawaii. Dine at the hotel we stayed at when I was still a kid
- Eat pasta and pizza in Italy
- Take the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
- Buy a house in Minato Ku, Tokyo
- Write and publish a book. Check out how the book is displayed at the nearby book store, everyday
- Become the main presentor at a seminar and pull it off TED style
- Start my own business that helps people. Become the Unicorn of Unicorns
- Be a guest on WBS (CNBC of Japan. Kind of)
- Meet and speak with Jim Cramer. Preferably on Mad Money
- Become listed on WIKIPEDIA
- By a home in Manhattan. I already know which apartment I want
- Go to school again. Get a Mac with a student discount
- Nail a ten bagger (stock)
- Nail a hundred bagger (stock)
- Be on Casey Neistat’s VLOG
- See Green Day live
- Have the caddie at the Phoenix Country Club in Miyazaki compliment my drive
- Propose in a memorable way
- Visit all 50 states in the US. I already covered 25.
- Drink rum and smoke Cohiba in Cuba
- Become a Million Miler with ANA. My current life time miles with ANA is 120,000
- Get the 911 Soundbar speaker by Porsche Design for the living room. If it sounds bad, give it to a friend who likes Porches to show off generosity
- Open a place to relax, like a Cafe. I will personally do the hiring interviews. Hey I can put the 911 Soundbar here!
- Buy a Lamborghini and ride it around Tokyo
- Sell the Lamborghini and buy a used Infiniti G37 coupe.
- Get funding on Kickstarter to make a product. I already know what I’m making. The perfect carry-on.
- Be there when my kid is born. The experience VLOGing should come in handy here
- Watch my kid grow. Work as hard as I can until then so I can pull it off
- Play sports with my kid. VLOGing should come in handy here too. I should seriosly consider VLOGing…
- Watch over my kid as he does his homework. Think about the best way to let my kid know how important it is to learn things
- Die peacefully